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Windows 7 X4 Coming Soon

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13 Response to "Windows 7 X4 Coming Soon"


bhai kab tak upload karoge? I M waiting

sid Says:

please upload some screenshots
dying to see it

Unknown Says:

Wait for the screenshot........

sid Says:

you can upload direct links also using this site
unlimited space and storage time provided also resumable links and no restriction on file size

penndragonn2001 Says:

How do I turn windows Updates back on? It's grayed out and will not let me turn it on? some of my programs require a few MS updates...Help!

Unknown Says:

Go to the Start Menu-open (run)write regedit.exe & open- [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\WindowsUpdate] & delete two values- 1.DisableWindowsUpdateAccess 2.DisableWindowsUpdateAccessMode

penndragonn2001 Says:

That worked perfectly!!! Thank you, and by the way, nice version you made there

Unknown Says:

hope the new product will be the excellent and best of all. I hope you will add in the file of new pack of desktop

Name : Sahibzada Amanullah Khan

salimjavaid Says:

I am going to download but while I am watching it's look awesome.
Saleem Javaid

salimjavaid Says:

I am going to download but while I am watching it's look awesome.
Saleem Javaid

Unknown Says:

hi been using 7 X 4 now for a while but was wondering if you could bring out a windows 8 like 7 X4 ?

Unknown Says:

Hello Sir, i want to make my own custom windows iso installation disk, with custom backgrounds, menus, splashscreens, buttons, ..... like most custom OS. I want to make a Skyrim Edition of Win7 just for testing. Wjat kind of programs i need ????? how do i make such install iso??? Tkx tkx tkx
You can contact me at or
many tkx

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